
Human Being Response

What an incredible time to be alive! The world is dealing with the first global pandemic in over 100 years. Given the global nature of our existence, with the spread of this virus just a airplane ride away, everyone on the planet has been impacted by this in the matter of just a couple of months. Now it seems the situation is changing daily almost everywhere, and even hourly in some hot spots. The global media is covering little else in the way of news and no doubt most Human Beings are checking into the latest news multiple times per day. Our individual and community survival is under serious threat.

These circumstances are exactly what our Human Being was engineered to deal with. When our survival is threatened, our Human Being goes into high alert and fight or flight response mode to take the actions we deem necessary to give us the best possible chance of physical survival. Unchecked, these instincts can not only help ensure our survival but actually can also work against us and others if panic sets in. This is sadly playing out in the hoarding of food, hand sanitizer and toilet tissue (why???) by many. There is a better way but to realize that we must tap into our Soul Being for a more rational and balanced response.

Soul Being Response

Our Soul Being is not surprised by this pandemic. As an eternal being, which has always been here and always will be, our Soul Being has seen this before. The response is a combination of focusing on being prepared, not panicked, and compassion for others and how we might help and certainly not harm. Our Soul Being is perfectly designed to accept the things that are beyond our control (the pandemic) and focus on the things we can control. There is no hoarding but rather calmly ensuring our Human Being’s needs can be met. There certainly is no lashing out at others and trying to place blame for something that is simply a part of the physical world that exists. Our Soul Being is also always in the present moment and therefore doesn’t experience the anxiety and fear felt by our Human Being, which is oriented in the future potential of contracting the virus, or running out of food and other necessary supplies, or running out of money in the financial meltdown that is part of this, or not being able to pass on our genes to the next generation (yes, quite literally), or…

Finding Balance

So, your Human Being wants to panic and worry and your Soul Being wants to prepare and care for others. Understanding and seeing and feeling these differences in the present moment is the key to finding the balance needed to cope and even thrive in this current environment.

Without conscious effort our Human Being will take control and we will head down the path of worry and panic. Remember, our Human Being is motivated by the base emotion of fear. So, this is an ideal time to shift our focus to the base emotion of love and to work on the practices that help us bring our Soul Being to the forefront. Daily meditation and Yoga are core self-love practices and are hugely helpful to stay in the moment and keep things in perspective. Enjoying the simplicity of isolation, or “social distancing” as we are saying in the US, is also hugely helpful. Basically just enjoying the simple life and doing the things that keep us in the moment where our Soul Being resides and away from a fearful future where our Human Being is camped out.

This is certainly a time to grow and develop. A time to go deeper into our Soulful practices and learn in a very real setting how to keep a healthy balance between our Soul Being and our Human Being. A time to emerge from this situation, when the health threat has diminished, and be our Soul Being more consistently day in and day out. My hope is all people will come out of this far less interested in the desires of their Human Being and far more interested in living a life of love, the life of our Soul Being.

Thanks so much for reading this post and I hope you’ll subscribe to continue to follow along. Stay safe and well, remember to give yourself and others lots of love each and every moment. And, don’t forget to wash your hands :)

Thank you,
