Yoga has been fundamental to my complete transformation over the past eight years.  Not only does Yoga give me tremendous energy, it also has opened my mind, and heart, to new and better ways of thinking about who I am, what my purpose is in this life and how grateful I am for each and every blessing and day.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and by millions of people all around the world.  In the last few decades, Yoga has become increasingly popular in western societies such that, today, most everyone seems to have tried it, knows someone who practices, or practices regularly themselves.

Much has been written about this discipline and I've attached some books I recommend in the space below.  Yoga can mean several different things to different people who practice.  For some, it is a spiritual practice at heart.  Others see it as a fitness program, primarily.  I experience both of those benefits as well as measurable health improvement, including building strength and becoming more flexible.

For me, Yoga is simply a practice of consciously combining physical movement of my body, with my breathing.  When I do this, whether I'm practicing alone or in a group or "class" at a studio, I realize the following benefits:

  1. I am drawn into the present moment and most, if not all, of my thoughts about the past or the future seem to dissipate, or stop completely, at least while I'm practicing.

  2. I feel a deeper sense of connection to my Spirituality and to God.  This in turn gives me a sense of building or adding energy to my body.

  3. I feel more peaceful and relaxed, which increases my overall sense of well being and optimism.

  4. To varying degrees, depending upon the specific type of practice and the instructor, I get a great physical workout.  Having been a fairly serious runner for many years and completed several triathlons and marathons, I know a good workout when I feel one!

  5. Yoga physically makes my body stronger, leaner and more limber and relaxed.  It has solved my persistent lower-back problems, contributed greatly to achieving my target body weight and given me core strength that is greater than when I played three sports in high school!

  6. I am able to carry the additional energy (or prana, shakti, chi, life-force as it is sometimes called) forward into the remainder of my day and beyond.

In combination with Meditation (see the section on this website) and a Whole Food, Plant Based Diet (see the section on this website), Yoga stimulates the building and productive use of Prana (energy) that is the essence of my overall levels of health, well-being and happiness.

There are many different types of Yoga.  Most can provide the benefits I've listed above and so the choice is more about personal preference, degree of difficulty and degree of "spirituality" included as part of the practice.  Having said that, I recommend that people try different types, yoga studios and instructors and online resources before they center in on one or more types.  After eight years of practicing, and earning my 500 hour instructor certification with @zunayoga, I practice and teach in the Hatha tradition.  Hatha is one of the original, if not the original, versions of this ancient practice. Developed and documented thousands of years ago, Hatha places emphasis on breathing with more extended holds in postures than other forms of yoga. This serves two purposes. It places emphasis on the breath, as the very source of prana (energy) and it challenges the body and mind to hold postures when they become increasingly difficult.

Every expert and all of science and medicine agree that human beings need regular exercise for optimal health and well-being.  If you exercise regularly you know the benefits, including increased energy, following a good workout.  To build energy for your body and your daily activities, you need to commit to a regular exercise program.  Yoga is the cornerstone of my program, but it is not the only form of regular exercise I get each day.

Human beings also need regular exposure to the sun and the outdoors.  The only way our bodies can create Vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight.  We also assimilate the energy of the Universe when we enjoy the beauty, fresh air and peacefulness of the outdoors.  Part of my weekly routine is to hike or cycle outdoors at least 10 miles per week, and often more than 30 miles per week.  This, in addition to my daily Yoga practice, gives me tremendous amounts of energy!

Below you will find links to various books and practice resources that I recommend based upon my experience.  I'm also happy to provide specific guidance to you if you would like to send me a email at

I know Yoga will help you gain energy, better health and Spiritual fulfillment.  Don't worry about how hard or difficult it may be at first.  You'll the find people in the Yoga community, instructors and those practicing next to your mat, to be amongst the nicest and most helpful people you have ever met.  Just get started, today or tomorrow!

The light in me recognizes and celebrates the same light that I see in you.  Namaste.

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