This blog post marks my return to regular blogging on the topic of the two beings that constitute each and every one of our lives. As you can see if you scroll down to prior posts, it has been nearly four years since my last post. A whole lot has happened in my life over that four year period. I’ll be sharing my experiences and thoughts about what we need to do to be consistently and deeply happy in our lives.
Since November, 2010 I’ve been on a journey to increasing happiness. A journey without end, no doubt, but the experiences along the way keep getting better and better. And now at age 66, I’m happier and healthier than ever before. You can read more about what I’ve been up to in the About page of the website. For now, I want to focus on this concept of two beings and the new and exciting purpose of this blog.
We are, every single one of us, from the moment of birth to the moment of our passing, two distinct, and very different beings. We are a Human Being, of course, as evidenced by our physical bodies and our minds; by our goals and achievements; by our survival instincts that govern much of the functioning of our physical bodies as well as our thoughts and actions; and, by our struggle to be happy. We are also, at the same time and in every moment of our lives, a Soul Being. As evidenced by our capacity and desire for love and compassion; by our desire for meaningful relationships; by our intuition; by our creativity; and finally by our happiness, at least from time to time. It has helped me immensely to come to the realization that the more we live as our Soul Being, the happier we will be. The purpose of this blog will be to fully explore this fundamental truth, how to become more consistently and deeply guided by our Soul Being and why it matters to our happiness. For me, this reality that I am two beings explains why, as much of the research and writing on happiness consistently shows, happiness is much more determined by our relationships, our self perception and our experiences than by our money or possessions or Human achievements. The more I am my Soul Being, and less my Human Being, the happier I feel. It is that simple. It is also quite difficult to do, consistently moment by moment, and I’ll explain why as well as how to be more your Soul Being and less your Human Being.
In the photo at the top of the page you see my attempt to illustrate the two Beings that are my life. The photo of me on the left was taken in 2013, so about 2 1/2 years into my journey. I was (and still am some of the time) a very focused and reasonably successful consultant to the banking industry. I was mostly my Human Being from moment to moment and day to day. I was happy from time to time, but not consistently so, and I did not have any deep insights about my Soul Being. In the 2015 and 2017 blocks you start to see more and more of the photo on the right. That was actually taken in the Spring of 2018 near the end of a two month yoga immersion training program in Bali. It was there that I had nothing less than a transformative experience where I first deeply understood my Soul Being. My life was change such that now, in 2019, I am able to live much more as my Soul Being and much less as my Human Being. As a result I am almost always happy, and more deeply so than at any other time since very early childhood.
I will not be suggesting along the way that you forsake or try to abandon your Human Being. In fact, I will be talking about ways to nurture and enhance your Human Being because it is the miraculous vehicle for your Soul Being. The point will be to approach life from the perspective of your Soul Being more consistently moment by moment. This will deliver the happiness you seek. Conversely, approaching life consistently as your Human Being will make deep and sustained happiness impossible to reach.
In this blog I will tell my full story, and share all of my experiences and “how-to” , that I believe can provide specific guidance to anyone who wants to be happier. I intend to post 2-3 times per week to both get the story out there fairly quickly but also to provide new food for thought and action on a regular basis. I hope you’ll follow along, share your comments, and perhaps subscribe for email alerts about new postings in the input box below.
I am now completely convinced that anyone and everyone can be happier, regardless of their circumstances, by living more as their Soul Being than as their Human Being. Some people may come by this naturally but for most of us, it takes regular effort and the adoption of a way of living that nurtures and elevates the Soul Being while simultaneously keeping the very strong Human Being in check. I hope you will join along. After all, we all deserve to be happy!
Thanks so much for reading!