This is me, Jim, aspiring Yogi/father/husband…I am seeking to live each moment of each day primarily as my Soul Being rather than as my Human Being. It’s been a long slow journey from the 24/7 Human Being Jim, starting in late 2010, and really taking off a year ago in Bali. It is a daily challenge for me and I have to stay with my Way of Living to keep my Human Being in check. But boy oh boy the more I am my Soul Being, the happier, healthier and more fulfilled I am!
My Soul Being, or Purusha in the Vedic tradition, is exactly like yours, and is very much a part of God. It is our true nature and it is eternal, so our Soul Being existed before our Human Being, and it will carryon forever after our Human Being is gone. If you want deep and sustained happiness, you will have to learn how to live much more as your Soul Being than as your Human Being. Consider the following aspects of your Soul Being:
True Nature: Eternal, birth and death mark the beginning and end of occupying the Human Being for purposes of experiencing life on Earth, which may in fact be Heaven. Connected to everything and everyone; no sense of I or self, only all Beings as One.
Operating Systems: Cosmic energy and universal awareness. All-knowing and capable of seeing and doing things beyond our Human Being’s imagination. All in order to:
Give love to self and to others, without ceasing .
Create a better world for self and all others.
Be happy, without ceasing.
Core Objective: Love and happiness
Core Emotion: Love. Unconditional, limitless and eternal love.
Satisfaction Comes From: Loving and giving of self for the benefit of all.
Time Zone: Eternal, only the present moment exists for the Soul Being.
Our Soul Being existed before our Human Being was born into this world. From our time in our mother’s womb through infancy and very early childhood, we are way more Soul Being than Human Being. Just consider the priorities of an infant. As long as we have food, water, clean air to breath and are physically comfortable, we want for nothing. We are satisfied with this basic definition of “enough”, and we seem content to just experience life as it washes over us each day.
As we grow and develop through childhood into adolescence and adulthood, we are literally trained, or “programmed”, to be a Human Being in the full sense of the term. We are taught to be concerned, even fearful for our future well being. Certainly in western societies we are taught to accumulate as much as possible and to care for ourselves first before others. We learn fear and anger and anxiety and self-doubt and all of the negative emotions that Humans struggle with each day. And, we are taught to think about the past and the future, to learn from what has happened and to prepare for what might happen in the future. These are all survival techniques at the core and have been passed from generation to generation and institutionalized through families, schools, churches, governments and so on. All of it makes it difficult, no, impossible to be happy.
But within all of that, at the very core, our reality is that we are a Soul Being first, last and always. Our Soul Being knows only one thing, Love. The kind of unconditional, limitless and eternal love that is the very root of peace, contentment and true happiness. We get glimpses of this in the precious moments in the life of our Human Being when we see something so beautiful that it takes our breath away. Or in the embrace of someone we love very deeply. Even in the sincere smile or laughter of a child or grandparent. All of these moments of happiness are from our Soul Being reaching out from within our Human Being. And they are all present moment events, happening in real time which is the only time the Soul Being knows.
Assuming we want to be happy, and that we value Love over Fear, the question then becomes, how do we live more as our Soul Being and less as our Human Being? It seems a very simple and straight forward concept until we consider the power of the Human Being’s hardware and software. The hardware is the way our biology works, triggering reactions to threats and concerns. The software is the training and programming, the mindset, to care for survival type issues first and foremost and to dwell on the past and the future. To be fearful of what the future may hold.
I’m not suggesting we forsake our Human Being. After all, it is the vehicle for our Soul Being to experience the wonders of this life in the Universe of infinite possibility. In fact we need to love and nurture our Human Being so that it is healthy and strong and as capable as possible for the fullest expression of our Soul Being. I am suggesting that we bring our Soul Being more to the forefront of how we approach every moment in life. To approach from a place of love and peace and fearlessness and creativity, knowing that our eternal survival is assured.
In the next post I’ll talk about what happiness really is and how it feels and then we’ll move on to how to live more as your Soul Being and less as your Human Being. I hope you’ll follow along!
Thanks so much for reading!