Happiness, Love and Compassion

By: Jim Buchanan

There are just three keys to happiness in life.  They are the same three things that are the answer to the question, "what should I do with my life?".  This is true regardless of your religion, spirituality or ethnicity.  When you find yourself wondering how life could be more simple and fulfilling and aligned to your core purpose, here is your answer.


We are spiritual beings, part of the Spirit of God, or the Energy of the Universe if you prefer.  This is our true nature.  Our human form, and all the names and roles and appearances and responsibilities that come with it, is but the present day manifestation of our Spiritual Self.

Looking deeper into this fact we see that the Spirit of God, and the Energy of the Universe is pure and unconditional Love.  So, that is what we are at the very core.  We are unconditional Love, and part of the limitless, eternal and unconditional Love of God.  This Love wants only what is good for us, and what is needed for us to be happy in our human form.

Happiness is available to us every moment of our lives, if we will simply remember who we really are and feel the unconditional Love of God.  In doing this we can rest assured that all is well and that any and every challenge or difficulty will be resolved according to God's plan for us, with unconditional Love as the guiding principle.  No matter where we are, or what is going on in our life, we are where we should be and experiencing what we need to get to this realization of the Love that resides at our core.

Happiness is indeed a choice.  A choice that is easy to make when we stay centered on the limitless Love that is our true being.


Since we are made of pure, unconditional Love and part of God's Holy Spirit, we are called upon to share this Love with all other living beings.  Sharing this Love, and having compassion for all living beings, are the remaining two things we are called to do in our human form.

We have Love in unlimited quantities, and for all eternity.  Knowing this Love, and sharing this Love, are choices we can make at any, and every moment.  Of course, we can also choose to be angry or judgmental or critical or...it is truly up to us.  However, whatever we share will come back to us in kind.  So, if we share Love, we will receive Love in return.  If we share anger, anger will come back to us as well.  What we get is completely dependent upon what we give.  Thus, we have full control of our life and how our life evolves from day to day and year to year.

Since every living thing is made of this same Energy of the Universe, we are called upon to give Love to all living beings.  All animals, plants, insects, birds, fish and so on.  The Earth itself is a living being and deserving of our Love.  We must respect these facts, and that the same unconditional Love that is our true nature, is the true nature of all other living things.  Loving other living things is directly Loving ourselves.  Harming other living things is directly harming ourselves.  It is all directly connected.


When we choose to be happy and choose to give love to all, we are nearly there in terms of living a happy and fulfilled life.  The final step is to be compassionate.  Seek to give help and support to all people, and to all other living beings, including the earth itself.  No matter what you do for a living, or hobby, or in your family and other relationships, stay focused on how you can truly understand the needs of others and then offer your help and support for those needs.  Give your help, and love, freely and without condition, and it will come back to you many times over.

So, for a happy life and fulfillment of your destiny on this earth, in every moment be happy, give love freely and without condition, and have the compassion to help others in any and every way that you can.  It is as simple as that.